Important Keyboard Shortcuts and commands used in Computer graphics Programming in C or C++ (in TC) .
Many time we are using shortcuts to do some function while writing and executing computer graphics program in C or C++ language in TC.Shortcuts are also useful when our mouse is not working properly.
Following is the list of few important shortcuts and commands:
Sr.No. | Description | Shortcut or command |
1 | Program Compilation | Alt+F9 |
2 | Program Execution | Ctrl+F9 |
3 | Save program | F2 |
4 | Seeing Output if program returns into blue screen | Alt+F5 |
5 | Increasing or Decreasing size of TC window | Alt+Enter |
6 | Copy | Ctrl+Insert |
7 | Cut | Shift+Delete |
8 | Paste | Shift+Insert |
9 | To change directory in command Prompt | cd directrory_name |
10 | To come out of directory | cd.. |
11 | Select Menu (File,edit etc) | F10 |
12 | Go to Cursor | F5 |